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  • Writer's pictureJames

Undeniably Fathers

Hi guys, what a title "Undeniably Fathers" let's let that marinate for a moment. What does it mean? What can be said about being a father? Let's go a step further, what makes a father undeniable?

There have been many good men throughout history that have been a good example of what it means to be a father. One of my favorite fathers is Billy Graham, an old school type of guy that was always steadfast in his belief. My favorite quote of his says "A father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unrecognized, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." How true is that statement, especially the state society is in right now? We are living in a time where 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live in a household that has an absent father, this is according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Now I didn't say this to throw shade at anyone, I understand that sometimes men don't get the chance to be the father they wanted to due to circumstances. But we have to remember we can not allow the circumstance to make the man. I challenge the WTF nation to look up the statistics, I will even give a link at the bottom. Being a father to me means just being present. Does that mean you are always home? No, but being present means you are an ear to listen or a voice to talk through a problem with, more important than all of those is telling your kids you love them. That's a father, thats a man, you are showing your kids how to communicate their feelings and how to express them in a healthy way. Mr. Webster defines undeniable as unquestionably or genuine. Undeniably Father's to me means being genuine in the time I spend with my kids, making them laugh, show them what love should look like by how I treat them and their mother. Fathers,

it is the greatest job I will ever have to be able to ensure my kids start off on the right path, because even as they grow and do something else that foundation will still be there. This is my call to arms Father, Dad, or Daddy whatever your label is to your children. Let's be the factor in a good way, be the light in their life so they will continue to light up yours. I will leave you with one thing, no make it two. Believe in your ability to be a great father and give them the greatest gift anyone can give by just believing in them.


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