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Welcome to Fatherhood

Updated: May 15, 2020

Hey there! Welcome to What the F Stands For. We are 3 dads on mission to create a community of support to insure that no dad is left behind! Let's face it , parenting is hard. While it is the most important and rewarding job you will ever have, it will also feel like a swift kick in the face. Some days you may be the one in the corner crying. Our hope is that this site will empower you to know that you are not alone and that you are not the only one feeling like you don't have a clue. Together we will dad up.

“The nature of impending fatherhood is that you are doing something that you're unqualified to do , and then you become qualified while doing it." - John Green


So what is the meaning of What the F Stands For? Well, F stands for fatherhood, but fatherhood has many components. While it would be awesome if that could be our main focus, we are all juggling time and obligations. Breaking it down, we have family, faith, food, fitness and we all need a little fun. We want you to be able to come here for an outlet, focus on you- your health, your sanity and just take 5 minutes to breath.

We hope you will follow along as we provide manageable diets and workouts for those dad bods, humorous yet sometimes disturbing real life stories and inspiring and uplifting motivation. Remember we are all in this together, feel free to reach out to us with post ideas, your day to day shenanigans and communicate with one another in our discussions. This is how we will survive but enjoy it as we go.

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Erin Branz Patrick
Erin Branz Patrick

I love love love this!!

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