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More about Stephen

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

Hi I am Stephen a father of one, ten-year-old boy. My son's mother, Tabitha, and I have been together 12 years now, hitting life head-on with ambition and support for one another. Yes, ups and downs and all arounds' but she keeps me in check and I have her back no matter what! My son and I are obsessed with Pokémon cards and playing competitively online. He, Able, got his name from a tattoo on the back of my right arm that I've had since I was 18.  I was recording a renowned underground rapper in Dade county when he stopped and gave me the name "Able", explaining that in me he saw a young man able to do anything he set his mind to.  Little did I know at the time he was referring to the future little man of mine.  The tattoo was a daily reminder to me to never settle for anything less than what I am capable of, now it serves as a reminder to instill that same courage into my son, whether it waivers in me or not as I get older and experience new things like being a father and losing all the hair on my head...

I run a medical billing company for several hundred durable medical equipment providers across the country, and I ride that roller coaster like a tireless child in an amusement park that never closes...but children do have their moments as we all know. My passions are in the creative arts,  writing fantasy novels & screenplays as well as composing music, and the recording Arts. Fitness is also very important to me, physically and mentally & I've just recently put together a shop for knife making.

 I enjoy working with people and pushing them to find their goals, then advise on how to achieve them.  To find perspective for myself while helping others has always been my strong point in life, but no matter how each day plays out there is always something or someone to consider, beyond the emotion in my heart, the chaos in my mind, and the grit in my gut, someone's pain has gone unnoticed.  Best to be cognizant of others regardless of the raging waters we tread on our own. Now, here I am with 2 of my oldest friends and classic stories about fatherhood.  These are the most amazing struggles that life has to offer, and I wouldn't trade it or change a thing for the world.

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