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  • Writer's pictureJames

More about me and my mission

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Hey there! So glad you found our site! Here’s a little more about me and how this website came to be.

Guess we will start off with the basics. I live in Oklahoma with my amazing wife, Nicole. We have been married for 14 years. Together we have 2 kids, Ainsley, 7 and Cooper, who will be 3 in

September. For the past 13 years I have been in restaurant management. Let's be honest, the industry is tough, it's not easy working for 12+ hours a day, 5-7 days a week, while remaining positive when someone wants to yell at you for something petty. I'm pretty sure I have heard and seen enough from both customers and employees to write a freakin’ novel. What I have enjoyed and taken away from those experiences was the opportunity to have been part of some great teams. I would have to say one of my biggest passions in life is driving and motivating people to be the best version of themselves. Through doing that I found that it has also allowed me to grow as an individual. Along the way I have learned what makes people tick and also what drives them, and in the grand scheme of things no one really has it figured out or together. If anything, some can just mask it better than others. This experience has helped lay some great ground work on how to handle such off the wall situations that yes, just might make you want to cry, laugh and occasionally hide in the closet, maybe for just 5 minutes or for a long game of hide and seek. Either way, me time, is me time and I’ll take what I can get. I was however able to find light during the Covid 19 pandemic and had an incredible opportunity come my way. The career change has allowed me more time at home with my family, more than I've ever had before and I couldn't be more grateful. In the words of Pat Summitt "It is what it is. But, it will be what you make it."

If you are reading this, I am assuming you either have kids, are planning for kids, have kids somewhere in your life or maybe you are a kid yourself. Therefore, you know just how much of a

game changer kids will be and just how much they can and will improve your life. They give it so much more meaning and clarity. This new welcome change in my life has me appreciating my wife more than ever (no she didn't make me write that). With all my extra time at home I have been able to see first hand exactly how much time, patience, understanding and multitasking superpowers it takes raising children. I have always been hands on, but like stated before I didn't really have much quality time at home. Most days the kids were asleep when I left and asleep again when I got home. All of this new found time has been such a blessing, I have been able to play more, laugh more and get to know my kids better. I’ve also had the pleasure of experiencing all the crazy that seems to go hand in hand. Like the meltdown that occurred when I explained the walk in shower isn't a swimming pool and “no, you can not shower in your high heels”. I never in a million years would have thought those phrases and many others like it, would have come out of my mouth.

I created this blog as an outlet for the guys and I to share our life experiences. My hope is that it will create a community for those alike. We have discussion boards, social media and email for you to connect with us. Reach out with ideas and questions and stories of your own. We launched our Podcast “What the F Man” in 2020. We have fun and are still figuring it out. To download our podcast go to where you get your music and podcasts, or find it here under the “Fun” section. Fatherhood, just like life is not something you can do on your own and keep your sanity. So let WTF Stands For, be your life line or at the least a tool to utilize to help direct you. Or, just laugh at someone else's expense, or at me and some of the random comments I make, that my wife wishes I wouldn’t. I just want to say to all the fathers out there it's okay and we don’t always have to have the answers. We are undeniably fathers and in the words of David Gottesman “Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is an important stage in our development.” So, let’s have fun and get this thing done!

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