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  • Writer's pictureJames

What does the 45 day Dad-Bod challenge mean??

As dads, we tend to spend most of our time taking care of the kid(s), their mama, the house, etc.. We tend to forget about our own fitness and well-being, or at least prioritize it at the bottom of the totem pole of "dad-like" responsibility. But the truth is, we have a large responsibility to keep ourselves healthy and mentally/physically adequate to handle the load. I mean, who wants to be completely worn out after 24 seconds of wrestling with the kids? How about keeping up with a game of chase with your giddy, hyper-active kid that needs their 60 minutes of exercise for the day? Dare I mention some extra strength and stamina for those in-between moments of alone time with mama bear??

I digress, however it is essential to keep our health, and in the process why not appreciate the commitment it takes to tone up a typical Dad-Bod. Not at all to say that sculpted abs and big arms are the standards set to determine who you are or what you are worth, but a slightly more toned Dad-Bod can considerably increase your daily mental state as well as your physical health. Overall, any challenge met with consistency, courage, and the right motives can be a boost of physical AND mental confidence, strength, and stamina.

So, what does it take to go from Dad-Bod to not so Dad-Bod? To be honest, it simply takes action. Action on those weekly, or perhaps daily, thoughts of "I wish I had the time to get in shape!" I have 3 pieces of advice; 1) Find The Time! Once you've found the time, 2) Be Consistent! Whether you're sore, in a bad mood, or just don't want to get off the couch during your 17 minutes of free time, just get it over with! Then, 3) continue to challenge yourself and SAFELY push your limits.

These 3 steps will get you exactly what you're looking for...okay, maybe not exactly what you're looking for. We're not all bred to be a starting RB in the NFL. But be patient and stay with it! Of course, eating healthy during your 45 day transformation will serve as the cornerstone for whether or not the "sculpting" part of the process actually occurs. Either way, consistent exercise goes a long way.

We're going to have our very own James complete the 45 day Dad-Bod challenge. During this process, we will document the exercises he does, the schedule he is on, and the foods he is eating to refuel and get his body used to eating tasty, but healthy/manly meals in order to tone up! We will document his weight and physical appearance while keeping up with his energy levels and mental state throughout the entire process.

Buckle in with us and cheer James on as he goes from Dad-Bod to physically and mentally, fatherly fit! Please join in with us and begin a journey into feeling great in your Dad-Bod! We want to cheer you on as well so please share your progression pictures and stories! We will also post tips and tricks to eat well and find time where you may not have thought it was possible to fit in a workout.

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