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  • Writer's pictureJames

And That's Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Dad's, do you remember when you had nice things?

Your favorite leather chair, an old card collection, trophy case, carpet without a stain every three feet.  How about nickless corners on the kitchen counters, doors, and hallways without greasy fingerprints all over them, lamps and trinkets that don't have to be super-glued back together and everything or anything in between.  In your pre-parent life did you ever stop to imagine what chaos would actually look like?  That's a difficult thought without the actual experience of having your very own thing one and thing two!  With life slapping you in the face from sun up to sun down every day all on its own, who can truly be prepared to keep up with the Tasmanian devil doing a whirling dervish in and out of your living room hopped-up on an endless supply of energy??  If you don't have the money for a full-time nanny, and your wallet isn't so deep to remove all concern for the things you've worked so hard to pay can cause daily panic attacks to say the least.  Now, you may not be neat and tidy on your own, and perhaps you're still quite the bachelor in regards to cleanliness with or without kids, but rest assured one of your favorite belongings will, or has already inevitably become marked for demolition by your little ones.  You may be a master of distraction, deception, disturbance, and any other "D' word that indicates the skill to keep your nice thing

s nice.  But the ultimate "D" word here is DAD, and as a Dad, you may as well kiss the immaculate condition of your pretty possessions goodbye.  Think of your goods and chattels like a good work truck.  You can't get the full potential out of something without its nicks, dents, and scratches.  Kids give things a bit of the "personality" that distinguishes a house from a home and a self-serving man from a Dad.  In fact, you may want to hold onto a few of those old weathered belongings as your kids grow up.  A good hand-me-down one day holds more positive energy within it, great memories otherwise seldom remembered, and more meaning to your kids than a thousand perfectly kept prize possessions.  It's near impossible to consider these things in the wake of finding your new golf clubs being used to hold up the kid's fort they're building out back in the garden.  But in the meantime, good luck LOL!

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