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All about Jon

Hi I'm Jon and youngest of four boys. I graduated from BA back in 1999 and have lived most of my life in BA. After high school I went to the military but was unfortunately medically discharged after 2 months. That's life though. I'm a salesman / bosses righthand man for a electrical distributing company. I've been there for 15 years. I have two daughters. One is 24 and the other is 12. I have been with my better half for 17 years. We have had some serious ups and downs through that time but have never stopped loving each other. She is my Mick. Always in my corner pushing me to be the best I can be. My family is my number 1 in this world. I try and show my daughters what a good honest man is so that when they grow up they don't except anything less. I love to hike and to be outdoors but I don't do it enough. I enjoy working out with my boy Stephen twice a week. My little one and I love to throw down on some Smash Bros on the Nintendo Switch. After a long week of work. A cold beer and a few friends to hangout with is always great. My oldest daughter is in college getting a graphic design / business management degree. I came along when she was 8 and I couldn't ask for a better daughter. She is funny and a great big sister to her sister. My youngest is to smart for her own good. She has always been ahead educational wise then her peers. She is an awesome artist, has a great imagination, and loves to make videos. I'm sure you'll seen some on here soon. She loves to give me crap and to argue with me ( in a haha way ), but my favorite is when she says daddy can I curl up next to you? I hope that this site will be able to help other fathers and even us to get a better grasp on fatherhood. It's a daily struggle but it's the most rewarding job at the end of the day.

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